Keybindings 0 0

Last updated on 10-11-2022 08:38 AM in FiveM
Posted By Nick7477

QB Core

QB Core is the framework we use in-game. 

Note: A number of keybindings for QB Core can be modified your game settings once connected to the server.

NOpens mobile phone
F1Opens raidal menu
TABOpens inventory
ZToggles inventory overlay
XPut your hands up

For members in the emergency services, suggested change of keybindings via in-game settings menu to the corresponding number pad numbers to not conflict with the siren control.
1Inventory slot 1 
2Inventory slot 2
3Inventory slot 3
4Inventory slot 4
5Inventory slot 5


Note: Members will have limited access to vMenu, members within the Emergency Services will have access to some vehicle options within vMenu to enable the changing of liveries and adding of extras as required. 

MOpens vMenu
Arrow keysNavigates the vMenu
ENTERConfirms the selection within vMenu
ESCCloses vMenu

Emergency Warning Control - Luxart Vehicle Control (LVC)

Note: We use server-sided sirens for emergency vehicles, these sirens can not be changed in our version of LVC.

1Toggle siren 1
2Toggle siren 2
3Toggle siren 3
4Toggle siren 4
QToggle emergency warning lights

Some vehicles have functional message boards. To turn the message boards on please enable the relevant extra. Some vehicles have message boards but do not have the relevant extra to enable them to work. 

** The time is base on America/New_York timezone