Serious Misconduct 0 0

Last updated on 10-11-2022 12:53 PM in Community Guidelines
Posted By Nick7477

The following items are defined as a serious misconduct and any members found to be engaging in any of the defined items will be in serious breach of the community guidelines.

a. Persistent attempts to belittle or undermine someone; and

b. Persistent and unjustified criticism; and

c. Persistent attempts to humiliate and individual; and

d. Underminding individual's personal integrity; and

e. Destructive innuendo and sarcasm; and

f. Verbal and non-verbal threats; and

g. Making inappropriate jokes about and individual; and

h. Persistent teasing; and

i. Freezing out, ignorning or excluding and individual; and

j. Unreasonable refusal or applications, training or promotions; and

k. Persistent attempts to demoralise an individual; and

l. Unwelcome sexual advances; and

m. Discrimination on racial, gender or sexual grounds; and

n. Bullying or harassment of an individual, either directly or in-directly towards the individual; and

o. Disseminating confidential or restricted community data, assets or files; and

p. Sharing, copying or otherwise benefiting from data, assets or files owned, developed or copyrightted by Australian Roleplay

Any member found to be engaging with any of the above items will be in serious breach of the Community Guidelines, any such behaviour is not welcome at Australian Roleplay as such will result in an immediate suspension from the community and referral to the Membership Review Panel.

Note: Persistent is defined as more than three (3) seperate occasions.

** The time is base on UTC timezone